Land's End Country Estate and Land's End Park conservation project for endangered animal species

As man exploits the earth more and more, the animal species' habitat is becoming smaller and some of these animals are facing extinction.

A cattle rancher of South Africa in the Vryburg district, which is known as the "Texas of South Africa" due to the many cattle ranches in the region, and his family, who all share a passion for nature, have decided to use some of their land to launch a project where a residential country or nature estate can be developed.

The main aim of the project is to raise funds for purchasing land in the cattle region adjacent to the Molopo Nature Reserve especially for the establishment of a habitat for leopard, cheetah, wild dogs, birds of prey and all animal species that naturally inhabit the area. The purpose is to develop a nature reserve where an independent ecological system can be established that can be managed judiciously. This intended reservation for endangered species will be known as "Land's End Park for endangered animal species".

However, we do not only want to raise funds, we also want to offer the person investing in the project something unique and exclusive, namely his own place in Africa that belongs to him as well as all infrastructure of the country estate, which he owns or has a share in.

It is important that Land's End Country Estate should not be confused with the bigger intended Land's End Park for endangered species, which is to be established with the proceeds of the country estate. Land's End Country Estate is for the pleasure of investors or donors while Land's End Park is for the habitat of endangered species.

Land's End Country Estate is situated on the banks of the dry Molopo River on the Botswana border, which is known as the "Jewel of Africa". It is situated between the Molopo Nature Reserve, a provincial nature reserve in the Northwest Province of South Africa and the Molopo River, which is the border between South Africa and Botswana. It is also situated not too far from the Kgalagadi Transfrontier National Park.


Business plan

During 2005 the developer, through the town and regional planning firm Maxim Planning Solutions in Klerksdorp, South Africa, submitted a rezoning application for the rezoning of agricultural land for the establishment of a residential country estate on the cattle farm Land's End in the Northwest Province, South Africa. AB Enviro Consult, environmental consultants of Potchefstroom, South Africa, did the necessary environmental impact study and the geotechnical engineering report of the Geotechnical Hub as well as the services and terrain report of Virtual Consulting Engineers, both from Pretoria, South Africa, were used in the environmental impact study. Following a positive recommendation report by the Department of Agriculture, the desired rezoning permission was granted by the local municipality and the provincial department of environmental affairs on 27 August 2009.

Before any marketing could be done, various institutions first had to provide several cost calculation reports on development costs of the country estate to the developer. Due to the 2010 Soccer World Cup hosted in South Africa, certain firms could not submit their reports, since their full capacity was utilized in their obligations toward the soccer tournament. It consequently caused a delay of nearly a year in the project.

A promotional DVD for introduction and marketing purposes for the project was made by Prof. Attie Gerber, professor in documentary video and film at the Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University. For further information, interested parties are referred to the project's website:

Any person or institution who invests in the project will acquire a share or shares in the Land's End Country Estate company. For every $10 million (ten million US dollars) the investor will receive one share in the company. The total number of shares in the company is 48 shares. The necessary agreement regarding the acquisition of shares in the mentioned company will be settled between the developer and the investor, since the developer will not stipulate any conditions before the investor has made his inputs on terms and conditions.

It is expected that an investor, when signing the agreement, will pay the full amount to the company but that only 40% of said amount may be utilized for the development of the country estate, the marketer of the project's remuneration and the property and input provided by the developer. The remaining 60% of said amount must be held in the trust account of the company's attorney or auditor, and a regular audit and progress report regarding the development of the country estate, as desired by the investor, must be provided to the investor. The necessary measures and stipulations to prevent corruption and irregularities will be contained in the mentioned agreement. An investor will have the right to attend the annual general meeting of the company as shareholder and participate in the election of directors of the company.

Once sufficient funds have been raised to ensure the viability of the project, the development of Land's End Country Estate will commence.

If the required contributions to ensure the viability of the project cannot be raised within the time agreed upon, the full contributions already made will be paid pack to the investors on conditions as stipulated in the mentioned agreement.

Before sufficient funds have been raised to ensure the viability of the project and the developer has given the necessary notice to the investor or investors that it indeed happened and that the development of the project may commence, the mentioned 40% of the contribution may not be used by the developer for the development of the project or whatever other purpose, but 100% of the investment of an investor must be held in the aforementioned trust account.

The benefits that an investor in the project receives comprise the following:
" A share or shares in the Land's End Country Estate company and therefore also a share in approximately 7000 ha land belonging to the company and on which the country estate is developed.
" For every share that an investor owns in the company, he is entitled to a stand on the estate of which he, as per agreement between the investors, is the sole owner with a mansion that is built for him on the stand according to architect plans that will be provided, or according to his own choice and own plans and needs or preferences. However, the design and scope of the living unit will be subject to stipulations and specifications as laid down by the aforementioned department of environmental affairs.
" Electricity and 'wonder' water from a borehole on the property that is refreshing for showering and washing of tired eyes, and purifying appliances in the house for fresh drinking water.
" All communication technology such as telephone, cellular phone, fax and Internet facilities.
" Staff to provide in his needs and ensure his safety and to make sure everything is ready when he visits and to serve him, should he so desire.
" Category "B" airfield 1,4 to 3 km long with an asphalt-surfaced runway, fuel and service facilities for a wide range or airplanes.
" Four-wheel drive vehicles belonging to the owners of the estate of which he therefore also has a share in, at his disposal for game viewing tours and/or transport anywhere on the estate.
" Sufficient game-stopping fencing of the total estate of approximately 7000 ha (approximately 17000 acres), which accommodates the natural species of game.

All development on Land's End Country Estate should be completed within 5 years after commencement and all investors would have received their benefits. However, the first investors should be able to move into their living units within one to two years after commencement of the development. The first investors' living units are therefore completed first and the last investors' units last.

The most important feature of Land's End Country Estate is the remoteness thereof. You come hear to get away from the "rat race" and to find yourself in nature where you are far away from the nearest town (nearly 300 km). The different stands are situated at least 500 m from each other and no neighboring house can be seen.

If an owner or investor comes to his country estate, he comes to do absolutely "nothing". He can, however, go on game drives or walk in the veldt, which is safe since no dangerous species such as lions or leopards are kept on the estate. Game species like eland, kudu, gemsbok, brindled gnu (blue wildebeest), red hartebeest, springbok, duiker, steenbok, warthog and ostrich that naturally inhabit the area can be seen on the estate.

Since the particular land has previously been used for cattle ranching and is now being developed as residential country estate and nature reserve, all existing man-made structures such as power lines, telephone lines, cattle fencing or whichever structure occurring on the land will be removed and the area will be returned to its original unspoiled status and it will be properly managed.

Once the development has been completed and the owners are settled, a corporate body, elected by the owners, will take over the management of the estate from the developer. Should the developer, due to illness or death or whichever reason, not be able to manage or complete the project until it is to be handed over to the body corporate, then the necessary measures are in place for this responsibility to be taken over by his successors in title.

A very important benefit that the project has for the investor is the opportunity to make a contribution towards the conservation of certain endangered animal species if he has a passion for it, and he can be assured that his contribution will be applied meaningfully and sensibly for its intended purpose.

After the Land's End Country Estate project has been completed and the owners' interests in it established, they will receive regular reports on the progress of the Land's End Park conservation project for endangered animal species, since they will play a significant role in decision making regarding the management and handling thereof.


Land's End Promises

· Peace
· Privacy
· Security
· Quiet

the ultimate retreat
the inner eye

almost 7000ha
48 Secluded units
Access: Gravel Roads
and Tarred Runway



EIA: yes

Official Approval: yes

Conservationist Support: yes